Ok so as you may have noticed the blog hasn't been receiving the usual love from me that it should be, and that is because well I'm not travelling. That is right I am back in Uni studying for my final year and I am pretty much doing SOMETHING 24/7, whether that be lectures, seminars or one of the many careers talks. I forgot how stressful uni life can be and with taking on extra Japanese lessons there is a lot on my plate. I went to bed at 9 on Sunday, that's 9pm. Rock and Roll this ain't. Talking to Lidl graduate employment at the careers fair the gist was "You will work in Lidl stores and or an office for 2 years" I simply though KILL ME NOW!
The days of dressing like an Ampelmann (German traffic light) and hitting the town seem to be over.
So what does all this mean for the blog? READ MORE>>