Monday 9 January 2012

Looking Back and Moving Forward: My 2011 and the year ahead!

Before I post my top 5 tips for Morocco I thought I would reflect a little ...

2011 was an interesting year for me I've lived in 3 countries (4 if you count England and Wales as separate countries) visited 10 different countries (5 new) and truly caught the travel bug. So here is how my year went.

January - Italy, Spain, The Netherlands
I started the year off the year with NYE in Cardiff then instead of flying home I went straight to my friends in Brescia and visited Venice (which I didn't like). Brescia however charmed the pants off me and quickly became my favourite city. After going back to Germany I also had a long weekend with my friends in Barcelona (which I was also not a huge fan of) and finished January off with an excellent weekend visiting a friend in Amsterdam!

February - Hamburg and Munich
For once I spent the whole month in the same country but that doesn't mean I didn't travel. We started off the month with a trip to Hamburg and it's famous Reeperbahn and I also met up with loads of 1st, 2nd and 3rd year student from my Uni for a fun filled weekend in Munich.


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