Friday 16 September 2011


I have often swanned about backpackers telling everyone on their working holiday visas NOT to work at the fruit farms (despite never working there myself.) The horror stories are unreal. One strawberry farm in particular in Mooloolaba had people working 10 hours a day for about $70 (a waitress normally earns about $20 an hour.) You are bent over all day in order to pick the strawberries and you get 70c a kilo plus you have to pick mould for 10c a kilo. If you miss mould however you have to start the row again. You have to get up at 6 leave at 6:30 and you are back about 4:30. Most people quit after one day. It was all too much. One of my roommates used to pick barefoot after she couldn't afford the shoes (apparantly it was a real shoe destroying job.) People put on bets on how long people will last and often if you are doing it for money and not for the visa the answer is not long. READ MORE>>

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